- Techno-Sciences Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering Innovation (Chaired Professorship)
- Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Award, 2010-2012
- Best Paper in the Dynamics and Control of Nano-Class Unmanned Systems (Invited) Session, American Control Conference (Ulrich), 2010
- Best Paper in the Helicopter Control Session, American Control Conference (Keshavan), 2010
- Best Paper in the Marine Systems II Session, American Control Conference (Dimble), 2010
- AIAA Region I-MA Student Conference 2nd Place, MS Category (Abdollahi), 2010
- AIAA YPSE Conference 1st Place (Bradshaw), 2009
- AIAA National Capital Section Hal Andrews Young Engineer of the Year Award, 2009
- ICES International Conference on Environmental Systems 1st Place Poster (Bradshaw), 2009
- UMD Graduate Research Interaction Day 1st Place Poster (Faruque), 2009
- AIAA YPSE Conference 2nd Place (Bradshaw), 2008
- Athena Prize for Best Graduate Research in Control (Hyslop), 2008
- AIAA Outstanding Professor of the Year, Department of Aerospace Engineering, UMCP, 2007
- AIAA YPSE Conference 3rd Place (Murphy), 2007
- AIAA Outstanding Mentor Award, Department of Aerospace Engineering, UMCP, 2006
- AIAA Region I-MA Student Conference 3rd Place (Superfin), 2006
- Best Paper Award, AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2005
- Best Student Paper, American Control Conference (ACC), 2004
- Best Poster Prize, International Conference on Insect Sensors and Robotics, 2004

J. Sean Humbert, Ph.D.
Techno-Sciences Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering Innovation
3182 Glenn L. Martin Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
301.405.0328 TEL
301.314.9001 FAX
humbert (at) umd.edu