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, Post Doctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Avionics design/development, system identification, control of micro air vehicles, and optic flow-based visual navigation
Phone: (301) 405-8326 | E-mail: conroyj (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, Post Doctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Flapping wing flight dynamics, UAV and MAV flight control, system identification
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: imraan (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Compliant sensors, capacitive strain measurements, distributed sensors on wings for detection of structural deformation as a tool to improve navigation and gust response.
Phone: (301) 405-9569 | E-mail: linacs (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student /
Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Electrostatic analysis of underwater objects, fish dynamics and motion modeling, application of boundary element methods to underwater electric fields, wide-field integration processing, control oriented robotic implementation of electrolocation
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: kdimble (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests:Control and dynamics of rovers and unmanned aerial vehicles, GPS and inertial navigation systems, sensor fusion, bio-inspired sensing and navigation.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: hescobar (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Dynamics and control of autonomous vehicles, bio-inspired sensing and guidance, emphasizing a convergence of multiple sensing modalities, computer vision, system identification.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: gmgrem (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Fluid structure interaction, optimal estimation and control, bio-inspired sensing and control
Phone: (301) 405-1142 |
E-mail: jishnuk (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Controls and Dynamics of flapping wing vehicles. Insect flight kinematics and bio-inspired sensing techniques
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: nkostreski (at) gmail.com | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Aerodynamics and computational fluid dynamics as they apply to reduced order modeling of flapping wing flight dynamicsÂ
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: kmacfarl (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Bio-inspired sensing and navigation, microsensor design and fabrication, interface circuit design for MEMS, integrated MEMS, robotics and computer vision
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: badrinr (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics with coupled structural mechanics applied to micro air vehicles.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: jaross (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Flight dynamics and controls, System identification, Bio-inspired sensing, Navigation using wide-field integration of optic flow.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: reneec (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Attitude Stabilization and Autonomous Navigation of a Micro Quadrotor Helicopter.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: dsmiller (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Flight dynamics and control, aircraft system identification, UAV and MAV avionics.
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: dszczubl (at) umd.edu
| Profile |
, Associated PhD
Student (Morpheus Lab) /
Graduate Research Asst
Research Interests: Dynamics and control of exotic vehicles, system identification, avionics development
Phone: (301) 405-4182 |
E-mail: jgrauer (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, Associated
PhD Student (AGRC)
Research Interests: Bio-inspired micro robotics (design & control), biological structures, flight dynamics (rotary & flapping), and human space flight
Phone: (301) 405-3282 |
E-mail: evanu at umd.edu | Profile |
MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Aircraft system identification, flight dynamics, helicopter aerodynamics, controls and flight testing
Phone: (301) 405-1142 | E-mail: cabdolla (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Micro air vehicle system identification, flight dynamics, and control
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: sgerardi (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Interpretation of insect tangential cells used for processing of optic flow, stabilization and navigation of 6-DOF platforms using wide-field integration of optic flow
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: ahyslop (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, MS Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Research Interests: Control theory, flight dynamics, gust mitigation, and optic flow
Phone: (301) 405-3282 | E-mail: bpatrick (at) umd.edu | Profile |
, PostDoctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Insect flight biomechanics and aerodynamics, with a focus on: mechanisms for gust rejection, kinematic and aerodynamic responses to wing wear, comparative sensory-limitations to maneuverability, and ontogeny and ecology of maximal flight performance
Phone: (702) 499-5168 | E-mail: jvance (at) umd.edu | Profile
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J. Sean Humbert, Ph.D.
Techno-Sciences Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering Innovation
3182 Glenn L. Martin Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
301.405.0328 TEL
301.314.9001 FAX
humbert (at) umd.edu