Sponsor: AFRL-Eglin (Johnny Evers)
Collaborators: Pat Shoemaker (Tanner Research, Inc.), David O’Carroll (Univ of Adelaide)
Flying insects display remarkable capabilities for local guidance and obstacle avoidance based on their visual sense. We have investigated the integration of biomimetic visual motion detection (Shoemaker, O’Carroll) and flight control for collision avoidance.
The control theory (Humbert) is based on a model for wide-field neurons (tangential cells) that spatially integrate local optic flow estimates. The outputs of these integrators are applied as feedback signals for direct control of vehicle dynamics. When combined, these algorithms provide a reflexive capability for avoiding collisions and centering in clutter.
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J. Sean Humbert, Ph.D.
Techno-Sciences Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering Innovation
3182 Glenn L. Martin Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
301.405.0328 TEL
301.314.9001 FAX
humbert (at) umd.edu